I just found this old report:


which sounds suspiciously similar to what I am observing. Hmm, I wonder if you 
hit the jackpot writing earlier to use QTcpServer to initialize connections.
If I could still use SSL with QWebSocketServer::handleConnection(QTcpSocket 
*socket) then this could be the solution :]

Will test it and report back!

From: Jason H
Sent: 04 April 2019 17:49
To: Narolewski Jakub
Cc: interest@qt-project.org
Subject: Re: [Interest] QWebSocketServer - server randomly stops 

1. Add a slowloris attack to your fuzzer. Really.
2. "rejected" means something specific. The server does not reject your 
connection. Your client sends the RST packet.
The "long periods" could just be those first few [hundred] connections where 
everything goes right, but the slow connection breaks it. I've actually seen 
this before in company proprietaty code. I wrote a local storage service - 
previously the storage server was remote - and the timing of packets broke the 
header parsing. This seems really similar in nature. It -no joke- expected that 
all the header data in the first packet and no additional data. However now 
that the service was lusing the localhost (loopback) interface it was no longer 
subject to MTU and nagle's algorythm.

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