If you can use Qt 5.13, ComputeCommand has a runType
property(Continuous/Manual) and a trigger function which you can use for
one shot compute calls.


Another option would be to set the enabled property of your
DispatchCompute FG node to false once you know you don't need to execute
your compute shader.


On 6/1/19 1:21 AM, Daniel Proksch wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to implement a Qt3D FrameGraph (QML) that allows for
> one-shot dispatch of a compute shader.
> My current approach is to add a ComputeCommand component to my
> ComputeEntity whenever I want the dispatch to happen.
> When the compute task is done (i.e. in the next frame) I want to
> remove the ComputeCommand component again, so that the shader is no
> longer invoked.
> Is that approach reasonable?
> And is there a signal that is triggered whenever a frame is completed
> (so that I can remove the ComputeCommand)?
> Many thanks!
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