Am 21.09.2019 um 00:12 schrieb Thiago Macieira:
On Friday, 20 September 2019 14:20:40 PDT Patrick Stinson wrote:
QDateTime initializes with a different time zone offset when passed a QDate
before versus after Jan 1 1970. The following line says it all:

QDateTime(QDate(1969, 10, 14)).offsetFromUtc() != QDateTime(QDate(1970, 10,

It seems to me that the offsets for these two QDateTime objects should be
equal. Otherwise, this makes initializing and storing dates difficult.

I assume this is intentional. What is the rationale for this design
decision? Is there a workaround?
Your test is not reliable. It works for less than half the planet and for just
over half the year.

Anyway, there's no workaround. This is done because the timezone databases are
inaccurate before 1970. So we just return each timezone's standard time, not
accounting for DST.
This is what I told him at the forum - mktime() on windows simply
returns the wrong dst value for 1969 (but linux does in this case).

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