Very simply, you don't have to repaint the entire thing every time.
You can paint the squares, then fill them in one by one.
You're essentiallt re-drawing over already dorawn pixels.
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2019 at 11:42 AM
From: "Alexander Dyagilev" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [Interest] Qml Canvas is too slow


The following code is too slow (paint operation takes few seconds):

Canvas {

        id: map

        width: columnsCount * rectangleSize
        height: rowsCount * rectangleSize
        anchors.horizontalCenter: alignCenter ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined
        anchors.left: alignCenter ? undefined : parent.left
        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
        property int offset: 1
        onPaint: drawMap()
        function drawMap() {
            if (columnsCount === 0 || rowsCount === 0) {
            var map =;
            var ctx = getContext("2d");
            for (var i = 0; i < map.length; i++) {
                var x = (i % columnsCount) * rectangleSize;
                var y = (Math.floor(i/columnsCount)) * rectangleSize;
                if (map[i]) {
                    drawFillRect(ctx, x, y);
                } else {
                    drawClearRect(ctx, x, y);
        function drawFillRect(ctx, x, y) {
            ctx.fillStyle = appWindow.theme.progressMapFillBorder
            ctx.fillRect(x + offset, y + offset, rectangleSize - offset * 2, rectangleSize - offset * 2);
            ctx.fillStyle = appWindow.theme.progressMapFillBackground
            ctx.fillRect(x + offset + 1, y + offset + 1, rectangleSize - (offset + 1) * 2, rectangleSize - (offset + 1) * 2);
        function drawClearRect(ctx, x, y) {
            ctx.fillStyle = appWindow.theme.progressMapClearBorder
            ctx.fillRect(x + offset, y + offset, rectangleSize - offset * 2, rectangleSize - offset * 2);
            ctx.fillStyle = appWindow.theme.background
            ctx.fillRect(x + offset + 1, y + offset + 1, rectangleSize - (offset + 1) * 2, rectangleSize - (offset + 1) * 2);

Can anything be done to improve its speed, or should we use c++ instead?

It paints the following:

Map size: 2323 elements.
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