Thanks Robert and Thiago,

If I create it on the stack instead of on the heap same mystery, i.e if I create it before qApp all good, if after it crashes

this works:
    QNetworkAccessManager inet;
    qWarning()<<"after test";
    QApplication app(argc, argv);

this crashes:
    QApplication app(argc, argv);
    QNetworkAccessManager inet;
    qWarning()<<"after test";

Interesting is that in that last case I have a new message in the console:

Failed to initialize COM library. Error code = 0x -7ffefefa, before my "test" qWarning()...

Googling it tells me it's about using WMI and it's true I do have some WMI functions defined statically in an object.

Still that was working fine before 5.14.0 (5.13.2 for instance), and why creating/deleting it before qApp fixes it all is beyond my level of understanding...

Philippe Lelong.

Le 04-02-2020 16:43, Thiago Macieira a écrit :
On Tuesday, 4 February 2020 01:45:27 PST coroberti . wrote:
Sorry, I meant allocation of QNetworkAccessManager object
by new operator (dynamic) versus its allocation on function scope (static).

Instead of static, please use automatic storage (no static, no new). Create it
in the stack, after QApplication.
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