Hmm perhaps one way forward is to move some COM-related code to a new thread (which is then untarnished by any prior CoInitialize(xxx), either your QNetworkAccessManager instance or the code somewhere in your HEADER/SOURCES that causes the crash (in concert with 5.14.1's QNetworkAccessManager).

On 2020-02-06 11:35, maitai wrote:
Good idea, and I just tried. Unfortunately it still crashes...


Le 06-02-2020 11:21, Henry Skoglund a écrit :
Hi, also since constructing a QNetworkAccessManager() does a
CoInitialize(nullptr), have you tried doing a CoUninitialize() just
before, e.g;
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QNetworkAccessManager *inet = new QNetworkAccessManager();
delete inet;

On 2020-02-06 08:02, coroberti . wrote:
Have you tried to comment out cleanup of reply objects (QNetworkReply) ?

On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 8:49 AM maitai <> wrote:
I've checked it already, and anyway a QFileDialog is a QWidget and as such cannot be created before QApplication (that's what it said when I tried).


Le 05-02-2020 21:20, Henry Skoglund a écrit :

Hi, maybe you already checked this, but if you have any big wheels like a QFileDialog declared static, their ctors most likely will run before main(), i.e. some COM/networking activity could occur before main() kicks in.

On 2020-02-05 21:10, maitai wrote:

As I said, I now have doubts it comes from COM threading...

I have built a small app with nothing inside, with the same .pro file exactly (qt modules, libs, etc, in the same order). The only difference is HEADERS and SOURCES of course, main.cpp being the same at least until it crashes. No problem in this small app (running in the same directory).

Again for those who missed it:


     QNetworkAccessManager *inet = new QNetworkAccessManager();

     delete inet;

     QApplication app(argc, argv);

this works.

    QApplication app(argc, argv);

    QNetworkAccessManager *inet = new QNetworkAccessManager();

     delete inet;

this crashes on new in our app, not in a sample without HEADERS and SOURCES.

I cannot understand that, certainly there is something obvious I am missing.

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