On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 11:40:24AM +0200, Giuseppe D'Angelo via Interest wrote:
> Before bikeshedding on the actual semantics we _want_ to have: if they
> don't 100% match the ones we have right now, then it's a silent breakage
> for end-users, which is a very bad idea.

In other cases this such silent breakage is called "bug fix"
and has a positive connotation.

> So, if we ever want to have the relational operators in QVariant with
> "better" semantics, we need an upgrade path that clearly signals the
> breakage. Any proposals for that?

One could start with free functions qSomehowLessThan() doing that, and
use them in cases where the current convenience conversions and
operator==() implementations fail. 

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