> 1) quickly calculate/get the total number of items and return that value from 
> rowCount() to let views properly configure their scroll bars;
is that a method one overrides? where is "rowCount()" defined?
do i override it by subclassing QSortFilterProxyModel?

> 2) load data in the background;
i think this is already happening

> 3) return some placeholder values from data() for items that have not been 
> loaded yet;
> 4) when a new batch of items is available, add it to the model's internal 
> storage and emit the dataChanged() signal with appropriate index range.

wouldn't the view ask the model for whatever data is revealed as visible, all 
by itself?
so no need to show mock data? the point is i want to show the real data, even 
if the user jumps to the last rows immediately

do i *need* to manually do this?

thanks for the suggestions, i'm trying to understand

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