
That is the first time I use this mailing list, so tell me if I'm doing
anything wrong when using it. Thanks !

Now my problem.

I'm developing a Qt application that communicates with a BLE device. It
worked perfectly until I tried to add some security. When I turned on "Just
Works" security mode (device side), I was not able anymore to write in a
characteristic (or read) from my Qt application.

I compared the Bluetooth messages sent from Qt app and from the
android app *nfr
Connect* and I see that automatically, the *nrf Connect* app sends a
bonding request when it fails to write.
Qt does not do this. That is the only difference that makes the android app
working but not my Qt app.

I finally made it work once : I start my Qt App, pair my BLE device
with *Windows
parameters* and then it works *one time *only (after that I need to unpair
my device from Windows parameters and redo the same process). It only works
if it has been paired with Windows parameters...

I could not find anything about bonding in the API or security mode
Any idea ? Should I post it as a bug or am I missing something ?



Simon Feutrier
Interest mailing list

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