Will Qt 6 still use the Meta information to access Qml properties or
it rely more on compiled C++ now? I guess it still the same as
before. Is the properties declaration of Qt for MCU (Qml lite or
soemthign like that) be available (syntax wise, template)? That would
leverage soo much redundent code to expose properties with get/set
and changed event. That will be a slim fast for code that expose to
Qml (to Meta data actually, Qml use the meta data) and maybe event
make that layer disapear one day.

Registration of C++ types for QML in dev is largely unchanged from 5.15.
You get the QML_ELEMENT etc. macros we introduced in 5.15 to make the
registration as painless as possible. The indirection through the
metatype system is necessary for the case of dynamically interpreted
QML. We can generate C++ code from your QML to directly access your C++
types, but if you want to execute that same QML in interpreted mode,
those C++ types need to be visible to metatype system in order to be

Also, the new property system is being introduced. If you provide a
BINDABLE property, you may be able to skip the READ, WRITE, and NOTIFY
methods in the future. This is still being worked on, though.

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