On 3/22/21 4:03 PM, interest-requ...@qt-project.org wrote:
has any framework crossed your way that implements CoW?

Honestly, I haven't dug that deep.

Been using CopperSpice on RedDiamond editor. Veered off to try porting Gede to CopperSpice so I could finally look at the new strings. Back on the editor now as I ran into the 16 minute QList thing.


So far that is the only place I can notice any significant difference between Qt CoW and obeying C++ standards. It might not even be directly that. They may just have some abhorrent bug I stumbled into. The test cases are on the blog and I filled the issue.

I'm batting about 50/50 with filing issues and having them fixed. A much improved batting average.

When I get "done" with RedDiamond I will use my "free" time to look for "what's next" at least for myself and my clients. I secretly hope at least one of them will make a good decision about "what's next" before I have to dig through a lot of trash.

Roland Hughes, President
Logikal Solutions


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