I don’t see Roland's emails anymore because I’ve blocked him. He is a kind of 
hater and lover of Qt at the same time. He loves when someone gives him a spark 
to set this email list on fire and then write long emails full of bullshit that 
only someone that has nothing to do has time to read.

I use Qt for more than 10 years now. I’ve started my company alone in 2014. 
Since then I’ve been building 7 products with Qt that I deploy for Windows, 
Mac, iOS and Android. 

I’ve had issues, bugs, but most of them were not show stoppers. When a show 
stopper bug appears I report it and it usually gets fixed. Some faster, some 
slower, but every single one had a fix. The last one was fixed in less than a 

My experience with Qt is very good. It has been keeping stability over all this 
years and I’ve only mostly focused in building products.

Has issues? Has! But Apple has issues, Microsoft has issues as every single 
software company has issues, because software is constantly evolving. 

If it wasn’t Qt, I would be here giving this testimonial. It really helped me 
to do more with less. 

Big shout to the Qt Team, keep the awesome work!!!

Best regards,

Nuno Santos
Founder / CEO / CTO

> On 1 Apr 2021, at 12:05, Turtle Creek Software <supp...@turtlesoft.com> wrote:
> In general, I agree with Roland about the need for stability.  The past 20 
> years we've spent most of our programming time just keeping up with Mac OS 
> changes. Meanwhile the Windows competition has been adding features.
> We want a platform that lets our C++ code be a cash cow, without all the 
> current upkeep. Stability for even longer than 15 years would be nice. Our 
> sales are about half Mac and half Windows, so cross-platform is the dream. We 
> want someone else to make the port to M1, and whatever Apple charges into 
> next. Then we can focus on solving problems for construction companies, 
> rather than rewriting GUI code just to stay in the same place.
> Qt promises that, but the Qt team responses on this thread make me nervous 
> about it being delivered. When folks get defensive, that's often a bad sign.
> I'm new to the Qt world, but the mix of an open-source project and a 
> profit-making company sounds extremely complicated.  Targeting everything 
> from medical devices to desktops sounds very complicated. 
> I hope this forum isn't muzzled. Critical comments on a list like this are 
> not libel. They provide useful information amongst the noise. Netiquette is 
> about courtesy between humans. Corporations and projects don't have feelings 
> to hurt, so they probably need less protection.
> Casey McDermott
> TurtleSoft.com
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