On 4/24/21 5:00 AM, Frank Mertens wrote:
IMX6UL is just a marketing name. Look it up. "UL" stands for ultra-low. It has 
nothing in common with the IMX6 architecture. It is actually the first IMX7. It does not 
have a GPU and surely you can run it on a battery. Ask your hardware guys. They know.

No, no, no, no. *Never* ask hardware guys a question that could be taken as having an interest in hardware. Next you will find yourself assigned PIC coding and some bare metal coding and "Hey! Why don't you do these device drivers for us too?"


Just listen to what they say in meetings and take notes. When it comes to the CPU and memory, my design and implementation shouldn't care what they put under the hood. Given most designs use some form of publish-subscribe message queue, I don't even care what else they put under the hood until I have to write one of those services.

Roland Hughes, President
Logikal Solutions


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