> Von: Interest <interest-boun...@qt-project.org> Im Auftrag von Jason H
> Betreff: Re: [Interest] Svar: Qt permanently broke on computer
> Good news everybody, I have partialyl figured it out, but I hope you can help 
> me further.
> MYPROJ = ../phidget-spinner
> win32 {
>    INCLUDEPATH +=$$MYPROJ/libraries/phidget22-windevel/lib/c
> #this works:
>    LIBS +=-L$$PWD/../phidget-spinner/libraries/phidget22-windevel/lib/c/x64 
> -lphidget22
> #these breaks Qt (each):
>   LIBS +=-L$$MYPROJ/libraries/phidget22-windevel/lib/c/x64 -lphidget22
>   LIBS +=-L"$${MYPROJ}/libraries/phidget22-windevel/lib/c/x64" -lphidget22
>   LIBS +=-L$${MYPROJ}/libraries/phidget22-windevel/lib/c/x64 -lphidget22
> }
>Not sure why $$MYPROJ works for INCLUDEPATH but breaks the linker? 

You're probably using a shadow build directory (that is, build directory != 
source directory), which is the default of Qt Creator.

INCLUDEPATH is a qmake variable. qmake will see that it is a relative path, and 
make it relative to the build directory. That is, what's passed to the compiler 
isn't -I../phidget-spinner/libraries/phidget22-windevel/lib/c , but something 

Now for the library search path, LIBS is added (more or less) directly to the 
linker command line. And for the linker, the 'current working directory' is the 
build directory.

IIRC you can use LIBPATH to get the same effect as with INCLUDEPATH. Anyhow, 
the qmake documentation recommends using LIBS in the way you did... The easy 
fix (as you found out) is to use absolute paths here.

> If the link path is wrong I would expect it to fail the build, bot break Qt?

It's hard to say what happened for you. Maybe you had another version of your 
libraries registered in the environment, which were picked up instead?


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