And so we lost one of the most active, contributing, and knowledgeable members of this mailing list.

Cue "the worst trade deal maybe ever signed anywhere" meme.

I was thinking of putting him in CC but I don't think I should bother the man.

I sure did respect Giuseppe, and I can totally get behind his no-BS personality.

With wishes of talking about code again,

Às 09:22 de 29/04/2021, Giuseppe D'Angelo via Interest escreveu:
On 29/04/2021 00:42, Giuseppe D'Angelo via Interest wrote:
If the answer is yes, you were lying. If the answer is no, or you don't
answer, then you're trolling the mailing list. You'll get my apology;
I'll even throw in, for free, my personal congratulations for the long
trolling. But, you'll get a nice permanent ban from here.

No reply. Yes, you're not the only one who can set arbitrary deadlines for other people, pal.

I'll just go with the script then: you DID believe those links to be true.

Then, please accept my deepest and most sincere apologies for calling you a liar.

I'll state it again, very clearly, all uppercase:


Please accept the attached fruit basket as a gesture of good will.


Where does this leave us, then?

At BEST, you have been trolling the mailing list, sending inflammatory false content with the purpose of getting a strong reaction from the participants.

At WORST, you have demonstrated some abysmal gross incompetence, since in order to win an argument you:

* googled some keywords;
* got the first couple of links that seemed to match your thesis;
* didn't even bother to read the contents;
* pasted the links here believing they were true, without questioning the veracity of such explosive statements; * when busted, dug your hole even deeper by keeping arguing in that direction.

(...I'm not alone about bringing this possibility forward...)

Spoiler alert, the links were April fools' jokes. They have never been true, and it was even written in the articles that they were jokes. With such precedents, why should anyone believe *any* other argument you bring forward?


In either case, it is abundantly clear who's full of shit around here.

It is also clear to me that moderation on this list doesn't exist, or if it exists, it doesn't want to get sides, and/or considers these behaviours acceptable.

I don't. And I don't send ultimatums or threats of libel lawsuits (seriously?) around, including to the moderators, in order to force them to make a move.

Hence, I'll be removing myself from this list, effective immediately.

You win. Audience claps. Curtains.

Ad astra per aspera,

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