On 5/5/21 1:32 PM, Marius Kittler wrote:

to me the most important point is that I can still stay in control over which
plugins are linked against and which not. At best I can turn off pulling
plugins automatically completely to avoid bloating my applications and keep my
own build system logic for deciding what plugins are needed.

IIUC what you want to do, you can set the QT_PLUGINS/QT_NO_PLUGINS properties on your target and specify the plugins you want to whitelist/blacklist. The code that does this for QtGui, for example, is in lib/cmake/Qt6Gui/Qt6GuiPlugins.cmake.

Our CMake API clearly lacks documentation, but we're working on it.

To give you feedback on `qt_finalize_target()`: I would have no problem with
an extra call and requiring an up-to-date CMake installation but don't forget
to update the documentation and keep the use case of linking against plugins
manually in mind.
>> By the way, thanks for making this part of Qt's build system better! I've
mentioned that I had to patch Qt 5 a lot (so it can cope with all static
dependencies correctly when using CMake) and with Qt 6 all of this is not
necessary anymore. So despite the mentioned problems that's actually already a
huge improvement.

Thanks for your feedback! Consider missing documentation as a bug that will be eventually fixed. :)


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