
I posted this to accessibility mailing list, but, following visit of archives, I think this list is not active anymore, so I post it here also.


-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet :         Accessibility issues in recents QT releases
Date :  Mon, 5 Jul 2021 21:48:19 +0200
De :    Corentin BACQUÉ-CAZENAVE <coren...@progaccess.net>
Pour :  accessibil...@qt-project.org

Hi to everyone,

I'm new to this mailing list, I hope it'll can be helpful to me :)

I'm blind and I'm working with other peoples on a communication software. Currently we have two versions of our application, one based on Win32, and another based on QT. We want to delete the Win32 based client but unfortunately QT has several accessibility issues.

Here are some examples:

-Screenreader don't announce when a QTreeWidget give focus, because QT don't send a gainfocus event.

-Some screenreaders can't be read character by character a QComboBox editable

-When a dialog box contains a QComboBox, screenreader announce selected item in this combobox even if focus isn't in this widget

I can find other problems but for now it's good.

I opened some issues in QT bug tracker but I don't receive any answer for now :(

I made all my tests with NVDA on Windows, but some problems are also presents in Linux with Orca for example, on Mac with VoiceOver or on Windows with other screenreaders like JAWS.

Anyone can be help me to try to fix some of this issues, or anyone can fix some of this directly in QT?

Thanks in advance.


Corentin (NVDA Expert 2019) <https://www.progaccess.net/Perso/Corentin/Signature.html>

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