not sure how to gain access to that. i'm just pressing the "build" button in the IDE. here is the entire output:
if you want the "LIBS" definition listed in the make file, here it is:
and yes, i think you're right, i think somebody's not quoting their paths... note above a couple places start "C:\Program "... but then spin off into outer space... later on the 2nd one picks up with " Files (x86)\..." and continues as expected is this stuff in an environment var somewhere? a regedit var? seems like a bug in my kit or Win SDK setup? where do i check for stuff like that? i generally just use the GUI and don't mess around on the command line or look inside the makefile. since i'm pretty sure your next question is "well show me your qmake file", here it is, minus source code: i do not think i set any lib paths, in there, just specify libs by name |
# this line makes qmake parse this file ONCE not three times CONFIG -= debug_and_release
# this line makes the compile output just show name of file, not all the cmd line args CONFIG += SILENT # look we can include other pri files: include(../shared/shared.pri) #CONFIG += precompile_header CONFIG += c++11 QT += core gui sql widgets multimedia multimediawidgets greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5) { DEFINES += _QT6_=1 _QT6_ = 1 QT += openglwidgets # later you can do this: # equals(_QT6_, 1) { # do something here # } win32 { CONFIG += no_utf8_source QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += /source-charset:.10000 } } else { DEFINES += _QT6_=0 _QT6_ = 0 } # by the way: $$TARGET is defined in projects->build->qmake->additional arguments message(------------------------------) #message("Target:" $${TARGET}) #for(var, $$list($$enumerate_vars())) { # message($$var : $$eval($$var)) #} #message(------------------------------) TEMPLATE = app DEFINES += _QT_=1 DEFINES += _YAAF_=0 DEFINES += QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS DEFINES += COMPILING_ON_10_4_OR_BETTER=1 DEFINES += COMPILING_ON_10_5_OR_BETTER=1 DEFINES += COMPILING_ON_10_6_OR_BETTER=1 DEFINES += COMPILING_ON_10_7_OR_BETTER=1 DEFINES += COMPILING_ON_10_8_OR_BETTER=1 DEFINES += COMPILING_ON_10_9_OR_BETTER=1 DEFINES += _KJAMS_ DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x050000 DEFINES -= __need_NULL macx { DEFINES += OPT_MACOS=1 DEFINES += OPT_WINOS=0 # on mac, you can ONLY build 64bit, there is no 32bit compiler # won't help if you've updated Qt Creator but not the SDK CONFIG += sdk_no_version_check # this comment is in the file "qt build settings.txt" and "kJams.pri" # if you run into the situation where the compiler can't be found or the sdk 10.15 is complaining # then set below to false to select the 10.13 sdk, but also go into the xcode SDKs and remove # the alias from 10.15, temporarily. completely delete the build directories # then compile (or maybe just run qmake?), it all comes back, then put the alias back # and set below to false, and it should all start working again true { message("SDK: 10.15") QMAKE_MAC_SDK = macosx10.15 } else { message("SDK: 10.13") QMAKE_MAC_SDK = macosx10.13 } # check macos version: $$system(sw_vers -productVersion) !contains(QMAKE_XCODE_VERSION, 9.4.1):{ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wno-pragma-pack # doesn't exist in xcode 9.4 } QMAKE_TARGET.arch = x86_64 } else { DEFINES += OPT_MACOS=0 DEFINES += OPT_WINOS=1 DEFINES += __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS DEFINES += __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS # zlib includes errno.h on windows, which has wrong defs DEFINES += NO_ERRNO_H # id3 link option for STATIC linking DEFINES += ID3LIB_LINKOPTION=1 } contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86_64) { DEFINES += __LP64__=1 DEFINES += __LLP64__=1 build_depth = 64 build_xdepth = x64 } else { build_depth = 32 build_xdepth = x86 } CONFIG(release, debug|release) { build_type = release build_Type = Release BUILD_TYPE_SUFFIX = "" BOOST_BUILD_TYPE_SUFFIX = "" } else { build_type = debug build_Type = Debug DEFINES += kDEBUG BUILD_TYPE_SUFFIX = " Debug" BOOST_BUILD_TYPE_SUFFIX = "-gd" macx { DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX=_debug } } message(build_type: $${build_type}) message($${TARGET} $${build_depth}bit) ! contains(TARGET, .*Lite.*) { DEFINES+=KJAMS_PRO ! contains(TARGET, .*Pro.*) { DEFINES+=KJAMS_2 contains(TARGET, .*Test.*) { DEFINES+=_TEST_ } } } # relative to shadow build dir, not proj dir?? CUR_DIR = $${PWD}/ # on windows, the depot dir is the root of the Z drive # so it already has a trailing slash, so don't add one DIR_DEPOT = $$clean_path($${CUR_DIR}../../../..) # on mac, it does need a trailing slash macx { DIR_DEPOT = $${DIR_DEPOT}/ } DIR_CF = $${DIR_DEPOT}CF/ DIR_CUR_QT_KIT = $$clean_path($$[QT_INSTALL_PREFIX]/../)/ #message("CUR_DIR:" $${CUR_DIR}) #message("QT_VERSION:" $${QT_VERSION}) #message("DIR_CUR_QT_KIT:" $${DIR_CUR_QT_KIT}) #message("DIR_DEPOT:" $${DIR_DEPOT}) #message("DIR_CF:" $${DIR_CF}) DIR_CFTEST_SOURCE = $${DIR_DEPOT}CFTest/source/ DIR_KJAMS = $${DIR_DEPOT}kJams/ DIR_EXTERNAL = $${DIR_KJAMS}External/ DIR_BURNER_SOURCE = $${DIR_KJAMS}Burner/source/ DIR_PRODUCER_SOURCE = $${DIR_KJAMS}Producer/source/ DIR_PADDLE_SOURCE = $${DIR_KJAMS}PaddleServer/source/ DIR_KJAMS_DEV = $${DIR_KJAMS}Development/ DIR_KJAMS_SOURCE = $${DIR_KJAMS_DEV}_source/ DIR_KJAMS_SOURCE_QT = $${DIR_KJAMS_SOURCE}Qt/ DIR_KJAMS_RES = $${DIR_KJAMS_SOURCE}Resources/ DIR_KJAMS_XPLAT = $${DIR_KJAMS_DEV}xplat/ DIR_KJAMS_XPLAT_RES = $${DIR_KJAMS_XPLAT}Resources/ DIR_KJAMS_XPLAT_UTILS = $${DIR_KJAMS_XPLAT}Sources/Utils/ DIR_KJAMS_SOURCE_WIN = $${DIR_KJAMS_XPLAT}proj/win/src/ DIR_SOUNDTOUCH = $${DIR_KJAMS_SOURCE}SoundTouch/source/SoundTouch/ DIR_SOUNDTOUCH_I = $${DIR_KJAMS_SOURCE}SoundTouch/include/ # see, should match! # here's how to get a variable out of a python script # UNAME = $$system(python /home/master/ ) # message( it says: ($$UNAME) ) BOOST_VERS = 1_69 DIR_BOOST = $${DIR_EXTERNAL}boost_$${BOOST_VERS}_0/ DIR_BOOST_LIBS = $${DIR_BOOST}stage/lib/ DIR_LAME = $${DIR_EXTERNAL}Lame/lamesrc/ DIR_HQX = $${DIR_EXTERNAL}hqx-1.0/src/ DIR_MUSICBRAINZ = $${DIR_EXTERNAL}musicbrainz/ DIR_MUSICBRAINZ_SRC = $${DIR_MUSICBRAINZ}libdiscid-master/src/ DIR_ID3_TAGS = $${DIR_EXTERNAL}MP3_Tags/ DIR_ID3 = $${DIR_ID3_TAGS}id3lib-3.8.3/ DIR_ID3_SRC = $${DIR_ID3}src/ DIR_ID3_INCLUDE = $${DIR_ID3}include/ DIR_ID3_INCLUDE_ID3 = $${DIR_ID3_INCLUDE}id3/ # yes, even on mac, we use the windows installation for the includes DIR_PYTHON64 = $${DIR_EXTERNAL}Python/win/Python27_x64/ DIR_PYTHON32 = $${DIR_EXTERNAL}Python/win/Python27/ equals(build_depth, 32) { DIR_PYTHON = $${DIR_PYTHON32} } else { DIR_PYTHON = $${DIR_PYTHON64} } CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { # in release, post-link happens by calling script from command line QMAKE_POST_LINK += python $${DIR_KJAMS_XPLAT}python/ $$build_depth $$TARGET } macx { # see, should match! DIR_PADDLE_FRAMEWORK = $${DIR_EXTERNAL}Paddle/Mac/framework/ DIR_PADDLE_HEADER = $${DIR_PADDLE_FRAMEWORK}Paddle.framework/headers/ # weak linking mac: QMAKE_LFLAGS += -F/Applications/ QMAKE_LFLAGS += -F$${DIR_PADDLE_FRAMEWORK} QMAKE_OBJECTIVE_CFLAGS += -F$${DIR_PADDLE_FRAMEWORK} QMAKE_OBJECTIVE_CFLAGS += -fobjc-arc LIBS += -framework Paddle LIBS += -framework CoreServices LIBS += -framework DiscRecording LIBS += -framework DiscRecordingUI LIBS += -framework CoreFoundation LIBS += -framework AppKit # apparently contains CFNetwork LIBS += -framework IOKit LIBS += -framework AudioToolbox LIBS += -framework Python LIBS += -framework Security #LIBS += -framework ApplicationServices # don't need this? contains QuickDraw QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.10 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wall -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-reorder QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wno-invalid-source-encoding -Wno-null-dereference -Wno-nullability-completeness QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-switch -Wno-for-loop-analysis QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-inconsistent-missing-override QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wno-overloaded-virtual #QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fcxx-modules # trying to make debugger not hang #QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_DEBUG += -fno-limit-debug-info #QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_DEBUG += -fstandalone-debug LIB_BOOST_THREAD = boost_thread LIB_BOOST_SYSTEM = boost_system DEFINES += TARGET_OS_MAC DEFINES += unix } else { RC_FILE += "$${DIR_KJAMS_XPLAT_RES}vers/kJamsVers.rc" DIR_PADDLE_HEADER = $${DIR_EXTERNAL}Paddle/Win/PaddleCPP-Windows/PaddleCLR/PaddleCLR/ DIR_PADDLE_LIB = $${DIR_PADDLE_HEADER}bin/$${build_xdepth}/$${build_Type}/ #message($$DIR_PADDLE_HEADER) #message($$DIR_PADDLE_LIB) LIBS += -L$${DIR_PADDLE_LIB} -lPaddleCLR DEFINES += __WIN32__ DEFINES += _WINDOWS DEFINES += WIN32 DEFINES += _WIN32 DEFINES += TARGET_RT_LITTLE_ENDIAN=1 DEFINES += TARGET_RT_BIG_ENDIAN=0 DEFINES += PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACKPUSH=1 # calling convention: __cdecl #QMAKE_CFLAGS += /Gd #QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += /Gd QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -MP # CFLite lib DIR_OPENCFL = $${DIR_CF}opencflite-476.17.2/ CFLITE_LIB_NAME = CFLite$${BUILD_TYPE_SUFFIX} REL_DIR_CFLITE = CFLite/win_$${build_depth}/$${CFLITE_LIB_NAME}/ #message(CFLite Dir: $$REL_DIR_CFLITE) LIBS += -L$${DIR_OPENCFL}Qt/$${REL_DIR_CFLITE} -l$${CFLITE_LIB_NAME} CONFIG(release, debug|release) { # mulithread dynamic link #QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += /MD LIBS += -lmsvcrt } else { # mulithread dynamic link #QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += /MDd LIBS += -lmsvcrtd DEFINES += _DEBUG } LIBS += -lOle32 -lUser32 -lwinmm -lIphlpapi -lDwmapi -lWs2_32 -lComdlg32 # CF and CFNet includes DIR_CF_INCLUDES = $${DIR_OPENCFL}dist/include/ INCLUDEPATH += $${DIR_CF_INCLUDES} DEPENDPATH += $${DIR_CF_INCLUDES} # if any headers change, recompile DIR_CFNET_INCLUDES = $${DIR_CF}CFNetwork/include/ INCLUDEPATH += $${DIR_CFNET_INCLUDES} DEPENDPATH += $${DIR_CFNET_INCLUDES} # if any headers change, recompile # python libs LIB_PYTHON = python27 DIR_PYTHON_LIBS = $${DIR_PYTHON}libs/ LIBS += -L$${DIR_PYTHON_LIBS} -l$${LIB_PYTHON} # boost libs DEFINES += BOOST_USE_WINDOWS_H DEFINES += BOOST_THREAD_USE_LIB LIB_BOOST_SUFFIX = -vc141-mt$${BOOST_BUILD_TYPE_SUFFIX}-x$${build_depth}-$${BOOST_VERS} LIB_BOOST_PREFIX = libboost_ LIB_BOOST_SYSTEM = $${LIB_BOOST_PREFIX}system$${LIB_BOOST_SUFFIX} LIB_BOOST_CHRONO = $${LIB_BOOST_PREFIX}chrono$${LIB_BOOST_SUFFIX} LIB_BOOST_DATETIME = $${LIB_BOOST_PREFIX}date_time$${LIB_BOOST_SUFFIX} LIB_BOOST_THREAD = $${LIB_BOOST_PREFIX}thread$${LIB_BOOST_SUFFIX} } LIBS += -L$${DIR_BOOST_LIBS} LIBS += -l$${LIB_BOOST_SYSTEM} #LIBS += -l$${LIB_BOOST_CHRONO} #LIBS += -l$${LIB_BOOST_DATETIME} LIBS += -l$${LIB_BOOST_THREAD} win32-msvc* { # unreferenced param QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += /wd4100 # illegal char encoding QMAKE_CXXFLAGS *= /wd"4828" contains (QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON, -w34828) : QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON -= -w34828 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON -= -wd4828 # cause stdafx to be included everywhere (since it's a PCH) # QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += /FI"stdafx.h" }
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