I noticed that since some time iOS apps are really slow in debug mode (not only at startup), but run fast in release mode (with compiler on)
(5.15.7 - will use 5.15.9 soon)

BTW: I never have situations where per ex at start-of-app a repeater creates many objects, normaly first page the user will see is a LoginPage or a HomePage with less objects
follow-up Pages are loaded most times using Loader
Am 12.04.22 um 13:07 schrieb Nuno Santos:

I have a problem were all my apps take several seconds to become responsive. The more complex the app is, the more time it takes to get responsive to touch. This didn’t used to be this way.

I can easily demonstrate the issue happening with a simple example, which does not happen in Windows or Android, only iOS:


Is anyone else having this issue?

I think this issue is particular severe for anyone who has complex applications on iOS.

Looking forward to hear the community thoughts about it.



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