
I'm trying to check out from Git and build only the minimum subset of
modules that I need, but I'm not able to get this working as I expect. I'm
following the instructions at https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/configure-options.html,
and using the 6.8 branch. This is on Windows, using a Visual Studio command

First, I create a directory to hold the sources and check out the bare
mkdir C:\qtbuild6_8
cd C:\qtbuild6_8
mkdir qt
cd qt
git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qt5.git .
git switch 6.8

Now I make my build directory and change there:
cd ..
mkdir build
cd build
mkdir win64
cd win64

Now I try to configure. Ultimately I will need more than just the
qttranslations module, but this is an example. I do NOT want qtactiveqt or
..\..\qt\configure -init-submodules -submodules qttranslations -skip
qtactiveqt -skip qtdeclarative -prefix C:\qtbuild6_8\install\win64

This prints:
+ git config --get initrepository.initialized
+ git config remote.origin.url
+ git submodule init qtrepotools qtbase qtimageformats qtshadertools qtsvg
qtlanguageserver qtdeclarative qtactiveqt qttools qttranslations
Submodule 'qtactiveqt' (git://code.qt.io/qt/qtactiveqt.git) registered for
path 'qtactiveqt'
Submodule 'qtbase' (git://code.qt.io/qt/qtbase.git) registered for path
Submodule 'qtdeclarative' (git://code.qt.io/qt/qtdeclarative.git)
registered for path 'qtdeclarative'
Submodule 'qtimageformats' (git://code.qt.io/qt/qtimageformats.git)
registered for path 'qtimageformats'
Submodule 'qtlanguageserver' (git://code.qt.io/qt/qtlanguageserver.git)
registered for path 'qtlanguageserver'
Submodule 'qtrepotools' (git://code.qt.io/qt/qtrepotools.git) registered
for path 'qtrepotools'
Submodule 'qtshadertools' (git://code.qt.io/qt/qtshadertools.git)
registered for path 'qtshadertools'
Submodule 'qtsvg' (git://code.qt.io/qt/qtsvg.git) registered for path
Submodule 'qttools' (git://code.qt.io/qt/qttools.git) registered for path
Submodule 'qttranslations' (git://code.qt.io/qt/qttranslations.git)
registered for path 'qttranslations'

I might misunderstand how dependencies are calculated, but the .gitmodules
file shows that qttranslations depends on qttools. qttools depends on
qtbase and recommends qtdeclarative and qtactiveqt. It seems to me that
adding -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtdeclarative in my command should skip those
recommended but not required modules, but that's not what is happening.

Is it not possible to skip optional dependencies like this?

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