Thanks for the suggestion.

I can appreciate how in the special case of a switch, the at-a-glance view of 
port status is handy to see in the Interfaces window, but the way InterMapper 
is designed, the bulk of polling results are presented through the maps. 

The interfaces window is more special-purpose, and we'd like to keep the 
interface as clean as possible. I also understand the reluctance to write 
custom SNMP probes to use on the map, but fortunately there's a tool to help 
with creating status information in a format that's easily viewable.

If you have a MIB defining the PoE objects providing the information you want, 
you can make a MIB Viewer probe using the tool at this page 
 by just copying the MIB text into a window and clicking an icon. 

Save the result, import the MIB(s) and probe output file using File > Import in 
InterMapper and you have a viewer probe to use with any device on the map which 
has that MIB.

To see the output, right-click the device and open the Status Window.

-------------------- m2f --------------------

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