I'm trying to solve a problem monitoring the growing number of Metro-E circuits 
we have.  The problem with monitoring is that we connect our router interfaces 
to third party media converters.  When there is a cut, our interfaces continue 
to report up/up and we never get "link down" alerts.  Because we have redundant 
paths to many locations, traffic switches to protect and we never get alerted 
that our primary path is down or receive any device outages from that network. 

If our engineers could devise a way to only advertise certain routes over the 
Metro-Es, then we would monitor an interface or device across the links.  I 
have been unsuccessful going that route ;)

Is there a way to use InterMapper to monitor if traffic stops for a link, or if 
OSPF neighbors and adjacencies are lost?  I have seen requests for high 
utilization/threshold indicators.  I'm looking for the opposite - a NO 
UTILIZATION indicator.

Surely there is a simple monitoring solution that does not require custom 
network routing or monitoring of third party networks.  Any advice or 
suggestions are greatly appreciated.


-------------------- m2f --------------------

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