> >     2. session support for internal classes. should we have a
> >interface which classes inherit, or have sleep and wakeup
> >         handlers in the zend_object_handlers structure ?
> I guess it's possible. In most cases I think internal classes won't be
> serialized though, such as COM. I don't think it needs fixing though. It's
> something which can be added whenever...

Actually, people have already tried to serialize PHP5 COM objects
and hit a segfault :-)

It should be reasonably simple to serialize COM objects (there are
a bunch of IPersistXXX interfaces we could use); the limitation right
now is that our internals don't provide a sane way to implement it.

I can probably whip up a serialization interface over the weekend;
it would work a bit like the iterators stuff - driven by a C interface
that could wrap a userspace implementation if desired (although I'd
be more interested in the internals here).


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