At 03:20 13/11/2003, Shane Caraveo wrote:
Zeev Suraski wrote:

My suggestion - we'll work on fixing ZE2 bugs (*). Fix as many as we can as soon as possible, and aim to release on Dec 15. Worst case - we'll delay to Xmas. If enough changes accumulate - we can have B3 too, but I'm not sure it will be necessary, because the betas don't appear to gain too much interest, at least not the kind of interest we need from the wide public.

The primary reason I see for a beta 3 is to provide the php developer community a hard date for finishing features prior to a feature freeze. Then we can give ourselves some time for QA and bug fixing (2-4 weeks), and release the RC. I think doing a sudden RC and continuing with normal development at the same time is not good. Do a beta 3, branch on when we release it and feature freeze the branch. That branch will be 5.0.

I understand not wanting to have 5.0 release dwindle into an unseen future (it's been an awfully long time already), and I'm excited for it's release, but I don't understand the necessity to release all of a sudden, or the need to have it out in december. It feels like short circuting the release cycle to me. I think if we go beta 3 at the end of Nov., then an RC sometime in the second half of Dec., we'd be doing pretty good. Release could then happen in January sometime, depending on the stability of the RC.

I think that all in all, we're all in agreement :) I see Beta 3 as less important, but apparently you and others think that it's important - and I don't think it can do any bad...


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