Analysis & Solutions wrote:

Hi Walter:

On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 10:13:10PM -0800, Walter A. Boring IV wrote:

"Fatal error: Only variables or references can be returned by reference
in /home/waboring/devel/html/test.php on line 11"

This is the expected behavior.

This has been discussed in the bugs database and on this list. I even started a thread on this topic today.

This group is archived in the following two places:

The topic is discussed in bug 24687:



This is very sad that the only real argument in the bug against fixing it was
that it was hard. Come on! This is such a fundamental thing to be able to do.

function &foo() {
 return something_else();

How can they say this won't be fixed? I just don't get it. This is going to make a lot
of php folks upset, and make it much more painfull to upgrade to php5. I work on several projects,
commercial and non-commercial, that this one bug will prevent me from moving to php5 without
a lot of changing of classes and code, let alone the re-qualification of the applications due to this change.
This is just sad.


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