Andi Gutmans wrote:
At 06:43 PM 1/8/2004 +0200, Jani Taskinen wrote:

On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, Wez Furlong wrote:

>As Stas mentioned, I'm not sure that this is a good idea, unless
>we split some of these things out of ext/standard and into their
>own extensions; ext/std_regex, ext/std_string (for levenstein, soundex,
>metaphone etc.), ext/std_hash (crc32, sha1) and have those extensions
>compiled in by default.
>IIRC, Jani was hoping for something like this a while back.

    I was thinking about it for increasing the maintainability
    of ext/standard, not to reduce the size of the binary.

Again, I am talking about having them compiled in by default. I wouldn't want to change that. However, for people who host their own application on a dedicated server, I want them to have the ability to use a stripped down version of PHP.
And although code might be changed, the RINIT's of all sorts of functions to lead to copy-on-writes in all sorts of situations.
I see no reason not to implement this because it doesn't change the default build one bit.


Hi Andi,
what's the problem of these ppl just to remove the functions they don't
have directly from the source and after that to build. Removing a function
from ext/standard is not that hard, and consists mostly of 3 steps. Maybe,
for the ppl that want that hacking the source won't be a problem.
You say that these core exts will be enabled by default but every ISP out there
can use --disable-all and after that not to enable some parts. I think this is
the point of Derick. And all this lead to a big number of bug reports why PHP
fails with unexisting function for example array_map().
So my solution is a text file into the repository which explains how to strip
functions. Ppl who want that are on their own.


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