At 14:33 13/01/2004, Rob Richards wrote:
From: Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg

> 1) SimpleXML creates PHP data structures from XML documents. It only
>    handles XML elements, attributes, and text nodes. The syntax for
>    accessing the text node children of an element is akin to object
>    properties ($foo->bar); the syntax of accessing attributes is akin
>    to array elements ($foo['bar']).

This goes back to my question on what is the goal of SimpleXML?
Is it supposed to be an easy api to be able to access any xml document or
only not complex ones?

The way I see it - yes. Clarity and simplicity are much more important in SimpleXML than being able to analyze every last XML document, that's at least my opinion, and this is what caught the attention of people just about anywhere I demo'd it.
Please note that SimpleXML takes after BEA's implementation of XML support in ECMAScript. It may not be a bad idea to see what decisions they took in that context.


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