Hello Sascha,

Wednesday, January 21, 2004, 8:21:30 AM, you wrote:

>> I remember we agreed that OO code will have studlyCaps. I don't want to
>> have this long thread again (I was actually initially opposed but got
>> convinced/gave in).

>     You don't want a long thread?  Then don't mention the topic.

>> As I don't have the time right now nor the setup, can someone please revert
>> and put the studlyCaps guidelines for OO extensions back into the Code
>> Guidelines?

>     Nay.  Derick was right about removing that section.

Yesturday we had an irc discussion about this issue too. And we came to the
conclusion once again that all oo guys wnat it and only a few non oo guys
don't want it. Besides such things it was meant to make php objects
consistent intheir naming scheme and consisten with the rest of the oo world
too. The main point against it was that we couldn't keep the original
writing in error messages, reflection and such. Now we can and all oo
extensions follow studlyCaps i put it back. Thanks Andi for noticing it
once again.

Best regards,
 Marcus                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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