I just saw this message now. I'll look into it.



At 12:56 PM 1/17/2004 -0800, choinet wrote:
--- choinet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was helping a user at my ISP support forums. Using
> include on an http:// url generates "Warning: main():
> stream does not support seeking in
> /home/account/public_html/test.php on line 2". This
> occurs for both external/same-server http:// urls.
> Each of the servers I used run PHP 4.3.4, and I had no
> warning on Windows as well as on another Linux setup
> (server generating the warning runs Linux).
> Searching the warning on google shows the first result
> http://www.onaje.com/php/article.php4/43, which
> mentions the problem on 4.3.4. I see two bug reports
> dealing with this, #24053 and #26550, not sure if it
> has been resolved yet in the snaps from reading the
> report (I can't test it out since the ISPs run the
> server that generates the warning). I don't know what
> would be causing the warning to output (since it may
> be assumed that an http:// stream does not support seeking).
> --
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I just verified what the other users at #24053 claimed (that Zend
Optimizer causes the warnings in http includes) on my Fedora testbed.
Also, looking at the phpinfo's of each Red Hat Linux server, only those
with PHP 4.3.4 on ZO (2.1.0) generated the warnings, not those with the
older 4.3.3/ZO. And, of course, no warning as expected on standalone 4.3.4
or 4.3.4/ZO on Windows. I'm thinking it may be Linux-exclusive(?)

Anyway, I know that Zeev and Andi are devs here and maybe we could get
some feedback on this?

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