Derick Rethans wrote:

I think it's a stupid idea (actually OO is a stupid idea but that's
something for another dicussion ;-):

1. In order to silently ignore failed queries you still have to put a
   stupid try..except block around it.
If it's used only in object context.

2. KISS: PHP is supposed to be SIMPLE; with all thos advanced OO stuff writing scripts for PHP starts becoming less and less easy. Sure, they are already using OO but that's just a notation. Some extensions are only OO, like DOM, but that doesn't mean that every Joe Average has any idea on what exceptions are. Please, kepe things simple. Don't force people.

Supposed to be simple but oriented a little bit to the enterprise, otherwise why do we have a ext/soap? An while for the Joe Average a failed query is just nothing for an application which not fault tolerant this is something different. Joe Average even does not need to use OO interface for simple scripts, while serious application goes OO (except FUDForum ;) but Ilia wanted speeed). So, I don't find any problems of internal classes throwing exceptions in object context. This was something I though is gonna be implemented by the engine which can realize on compile time whether OO is used or not and php_error_docref() to work just like now for procedural code and throw exceptions for OO code (which can break some existing code of course). AFAIR Andi or Zeev explained that's not possible or won't be implemented.
Finally, it looks that RC2 won't be released anytime soon and this issue can be fixed in the meantime.


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