Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg wrote:

On Thu, 8 Jul 2004, Marc Richards wrote:

Are you saying PHP will never introduce an operator that doesn't already
exist in a large number of other languages?

I certainly hope not. (Well, I guess === and !=== are exceptions to
this statement.)

Compound Ternary operator:

$a = $b ?: $c;

You realize that ternary means it takes three arguments? It has
nothing to do with question marks and colons. Your new "compound
ternary" operator is really a "binary" operator.

maybe call it the Collapsed Ternary (the first two arguments being collapse into 1 because they are 'identical'*). document it under the tenary docs, that way you can effectively introduce the std concept first before showing the the PHP handy extra for all those blasted checks.

*sorry, my grasp of technical terminology is abysmal.


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