> Le 29 janv. 2020 à 19:42, Bishop Bettini <bis...@php.net> a écrit :
> Cons... have to enumerate everything, potentially lots of work to do that
> to update old code to use; edge cases I'm not thinking about.

Not only it is much work (although it could be partially automated), but it 
does not make much sense.

I’ve taken a random file (~650 LoC) in the codebase I’m working on. With 
`declare(strict_qualify=1)`, I would have to add:

use function 
  , array_flip
  , array_key_exists
  , array_keys
  , array_push
  , array_unshift
  , compact
  , ctype_digit
  , idate
  , in_array
  , is_int
  , is_string
  , ksort
  , ob_get_clean
  , ob_start
  , preg_match
  , sprintf
  , strlen
  , strncmp
  , substr_count
  , trim
  , usort;

I don’t see a clear advantage in declaring more than 20 global functions in 
each and every of the hundreds of files of the codebase—where it is evident 
that they are all global function (no, I don’t have a namespaced version of 
`is_int()`). Also, I think that there are better ways to discover if my 
colleague introduced surreptitiously a `system()` call in the codebase.

Some time ago, I’ve tried the alternative approach in two files: adding a 
backslash before each and every global function (carefully avoiding 
non-functions such as `isset()`, `empty()` and `list()`). Well, it reminded me 
of the good old days when I used TeX intensively, but objectively, it didn’t 
make the code more clear or more secure (I’ve not tested its velocity, though).


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