On 13/02/2020 20:31, Mike Schinkel wrote:
If I had a vote I would vote I would enthusiastically vote for the RFC if it 
includes filter_input() functionality. But I would vote against this RFC if it 
omits filter_input() functionality because it would mean another subsystem in 
core that does not actually address day-to-day concerns.

I think you are over-estimating how central the filter API is to most people's workflow with requests. I think that's partly because designing a good validation API is hard, but also because filter_input in particular is a combination of three different concerns:

1) Fetching the raw information about the incoming HTTP request from the web server (the "SAPI")
2) Parsing that raw information into individual fields
3) Validating those fields against expected type constraints

The superglobals already combine concerns 1 and 2, and the filter API adds concern 3; but to do so they all assume that the user is basically writing a CGI wrapper for some HTML forms.

The modern reality is rather different, and step 2 in particular is much more variable:

- Rather than query string parameters, it might involve extracting parameters from an SEO URL like "/products/123-acme-thingummy" or a RESTish URL like "/products/123/description/en-GB" - Rather than submitted form data, it might involve parsing JSON from an AJAX request or API call

I would love to see new APIs that take a step back from the legacy, and tackle each of these concerns separately, based on modern requirements.

For concern 1, getting data out of the web server, I'd love to see:

- A more intuitive way to get the raw request body than file_get_contents('php://input') - A more reliable way to get the URL the user requested than checking 5 different variables in $_SERVER to handle different deployment methods (see e.g. [1] and [2] for the lengths libraries go to for this) - A proper distinction between HTTP headers, server status variables, and environment variables, because CGI name-mangling is legacy cruft that users shouldn't need to learn

For concern 2, parsing that data, I'd love to see:

- A better API than parse_str for parsing arbitrary strings in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format - A way to parse data in multipart/form-data format decoupled from the current HTTP request - Tools for working with Content-Type strings, such as a function for correctly parsing things like "text/html;charset=UTF-8", and constants for common MIME types

Concern 3, filtering / sanitising / validating, I think is a really hard problem space, and I don't think there will ever be one implementation that suits all cases.

A similar "shopping list" could probably be made for responses, but if we decoupled the pieces, we wouldn't have to perfect them all at once; instead, we could provide building blocks that make userland implementations easier.

[1] https://github.com/symfony/symfony/blob/9acb06041cc88b5c14d40f8cd9a74dd14d7ac786/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Request.php#L1741 [2] https://github.com/laminas/laminas-diactoros/blob/b36d6bf376b03dfc3190b1065630090e57f2e20d/src/functions/marshal_uri_from_sapi.php


Rowan Tommins (né Collins)

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