On 20 February 2020 14:13:58 GMT+00:00, Nikita Popov <nikita....@gmail.com> 
>Hi internals,
>I'd like to start the discussion on the "explicit call-site
>pass-by-reference" RFC again:

Hi Nikita,

Thanks for putting the case for this so clearly. My instinctive reaction is 
still one of frustration that the pain of removing call-site ampersands was in 
vain, and I will now be asked to put most of them back in. It's also relevant 
that users already find where & should and should not be used very confusing. 
There is a potential "PR" cost of this change that should be weighed against 
the advantages.

I'm also not very keen on internal functions being able to do things that can't 
be replicated on userland, and this RFC adds two: additional behaviour for 
existing "prefer-ref" arguments, and new "prefer-value" arguments.

My current opinion is that I'd rather wait for the details of out and inout 
parameters to be worked out, and reap higher gains for the same cost. For 
instance, if preg_match could mark $matches as "out", I'd be more happy to run 
in a mode where I needed to add a call-site keyword.


Rowan Tommins

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