On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 6:38 AM Marc <marc@mabe.berlin> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 08.03.20 17:54, Matthew Brown wrote:
> > This is expected behaviour given my understanding of how late static
> binding works:
> >
> > If there is a chain of “self::” calls that ultimately ends in
> “static::someMethod”, then PHP behaves as if every preceding call was a
> call to “static::”, not “self::”. In your second call you’re explicitly
> overriding that resolution by changing using (self::class)::someMethod,
> which PHP always treats as A::someMethod, thus producing the expected
> output.
> Thanks for explaining.
> I couldn't find any information for this behavior in the documentation -
> Is that documented anywhere?
> Does it make sense? -> I have read "self::" all time as a shortcut for
> "MyClass::" until I noticed this is not the case and I expect most PHP
> devs would explain it this way.
> Is there a reason why self:: doesn't reset the internal "static" reference?
> Sorry for all these questions.
> Sometimes the world could be so simple until it turns out it isn't for
> no reason.
> Thanks,
> Marc

See https://wiki.php.net/rfc/lsb_parentself_forwarding, which is the RFC
that added this behavior.


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