Hey internals,

I wanted to ignite a friendly discussion whether PHP should allow typed 
callable properties. The problem arises as typed properties RFC did not allow 
the callable type [1] due to its context-dependent behaviour. As such, for 
improving the language's consistency and adding support for strict callable 
typing, I believe we should look into solutions for avoiding this special case. 
Note that the solutions listed below are taken from the RFC and are thoughts 
from Nikita Popov, so credits to him. Here is a quick summary of the solutions:

1. Ignore the issue. At the moment, this is the behaviour that both parameter 
and return type hints pose and I believe is also the best option for callable 
properties. At least for the time being. Generally, this would increase 
language's consistency and would also ensure that the type is actually *a* 
callable. In the worst-case scenario, if the callable is not callable from this 
context, PHP would still throw a runtime error.
2. Take visibility into account. We could allow making only typed 
protected/private callable properties but this would create a quite tight 
coupling between the visibility and type. It would also be a special case and 
therefore a violation of the OCP principle.
3. We could automatically wrap assignments to typed callable properties into 
`Closure::fromCallable()`. Though this would worsen the performance and add 
additional overhead when using the callable type. As Nikita mentioned, if this 
is the approach we're taking, we should also impose such conversion in every 
place where the callable type may occur.
4. Perform type checks when reading. At the moment, we perform type checks only 
when writing. We could change that and also perform type checks when reading. 
Although this behaviour would be weird, as we would get a type error when 
trying to read a typed callable property (e. g. `($this->callback)()` would 
throw a type error).

[1]: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/typed_properties_v2#callable_type

Best regards,
Benas Seliuginas
P.S.: If no one is interested in implementing this, I would be up for the job 
if we make a consensus on what approach we should take.

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