On 07-05-2020 17:24, Larry Garfield wrote:
>  Between preloading, PHP 7's improvements, FFI funkiness, and the upcoming 
> JIT, there's been on and off discussion about moving much of the standard 
> library from C to "PHP code that is bundled and preloaded automatically."  A 
> real "standard library" in PHP, rather than a bunch of bridged C functions 
> that exist for the legacy reasons Dan notes above.
> Making that actually a thing would help obviate a lot of these issues, I 
> think.  It becomes no longer an implementation question but "just" a 
> packaging question.

I share Larry's feeling that perhaps the time is right to discuss a PHP
library written in PHP once more. The possible advantages are stacking up.

Even if we only manage to make this technically working and ship PHP 8
with an empty stub library it would be a major step. It could be
extended in subsequent 8.x releases.

We should not hijack this thread to discuss this though. Larry, since
you got this started again, I guess the honor is yours to write an
opening post and start a new thread? ;)

Dik Takken

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