Hi the peanut gallery...

I can't say that blacklist/whitelist -> something else is a meaningless
change.  The challenge we as technologists (nevermind our color) have is
that we don't really have good guidance from psychologists and
sociologists (I know, I tried chasing down those links last year when
this came up in the IETF).  The best I could find argues *against*
change, that context matters.[1]  What I can say is that there's a lot
of code to change if there is no appreciable social value.  My
suggestion is that any PR/RFC include some research results showing that
this is likely to improve something for someone.


[1] Jay, T., "DO OFFENSIVE WORDS HARM PEOPLE?", Psychology, Public
Policy, and Law, Vol. 15. No. 2, 81-101, 2009, DOI: 10.1037/a0015646.

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