On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 7:23 PM Ben Ramsey <b...@benramsey.com> wrote:

> I don’t understand this question:
> > Are you okay with re-voting on the attribute syntax for PHP 8.0?
> I recommended this as a front-line question so as to remove any hint of
impropriety about the vote.  For example, where the first round of the
secondary vote sits right now (15/15/4) we only have 44% in favor of any
specific change.  That doesn't nearly meet the 2/3rd requirement.  By
having a "pre-vote" to agree on reselecting the syntax, we have a CLEAR
2/3rd majority saying, "Yes, let's revisit this specific question again".

With that clarified, making the decision on what specific syntax we want is
less contentious.  I had *hoped* that we wouldn't have a party split on the
primary vote, that people who wanted <<>> would still favor a
reconfirmation of the syntax since it was specifically cited that this
would be a point to come back to, but atm that's how things turned out.

Is this a vote to see if we want to re-vote on the attribute syntax? I
> think this is worded awkwardly, and I’m not sure what the outcome of a
> yes or not vote means for this question.
> Yeah, the wording is awkward, but so is the situation. /shrug
I hope the above clarifies it.

> If I vote “no,” should I still vote in the secondary vote, or is voting
> “no” effectively the same as choosing `<<>>` for all three choices in
> the secondary vote?
> On the primary, you should vote yes if you believe it's worth revisiting
the topic, or no if you feel the people have spoken and alligator syntax
means alligator syntax.
Regardless of primary vote: You should vote on the secondary according to
your preference of syntaxes.


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