Hi Joe Ferguson,

> Now that it seems the technical concerns around @@ have been resolved by
> another pending, passing, RFC, I'm still here wanting us to talk about the
> impact of @@ on static analysis tools. Apparently, internals doesn't care
> about these projects. I care and I'm trying to help. I'm not trying to
> revote until I get the vote I want. I'm just a dude that had some free time
> while on vacation when he saw a chance to contribute.

3 commonly used static analyzers (for type inference) are
- PHPStan and Psalm, both of which use nikic/php-parser. As Nikita Popov (the 
maintainer of php-parser) wrote, 

> Emulating #[] lexing on older versions will
> definitely be a challenge for PHP-Parser. I don't think we should make
> concerns of external tooling hold us back too much, but the phpcs argument
> really doesn't hold water.

Comparatively, it would be easy to join two adjacent `@` tokens to a single 
`@@` token in a single pass over token_get_all.
Parsers would likely already do that or benefit from doing that for tokens such 
as the `match` token (T_MATCH) in php 8.0.

Another commonly used static analyzer is Phan (https://github.com/phan/phan/) , 
which I am a maintainer of.
My reasons for preferring `<<>>` or @@ over `#[` were mentioned in 
https://externals.io/message/111218#111239 .

For phpcs and other linters, my belief is that this might be easier for simple 
use cases in the short term,
but edge cases or ambiguities like multi-line attributes or refactorings that 
were safe in php 7
(such as moving `#[]` behind other tokens to another line)
may cause issues for users of those tools (until those tools drop support for 
php 7.x and older).
This is why I'd advocate for a distinct token that doesn't overlap with line 

- Tyson
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