On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 9:03 AM Benjamin Eberlei <kont...@beberlei.de> wrote:

> It provides a small BC break where code written as @[$foo, $bar] = baz();
> or $foo = @["bar" => $baz]; will not compile on PHP 8 anymore, but that can
> be easily
> fixed by writing it with a space between @ and [.
> If those are the potential breaks we're choosing between, I would favor
#[...] as it provides strong forward-compatibility to drive adoption and
use at the cost of a parse error that's easily fixed (even programmatically
with a very simple script).   @[...] provides no forward compat with a
roughly equal chance of easily fixed syntax break.

Given that, the choice seems obvious to me.
Change my mind?


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