Hi Internals,

I'd like to open up a discussion around the implementation of a new
functionality: 'import of variables'.

This functionality would allow to create a new  'use vars' keyword in order to 
can use( or cannot use )  global variables in local scope( of current file ).

I think the best is a example:


$a = 1;
$b = 2;
$c = 3;

include __DIR__.'/without_import.php';
include __DIR__.'/all_import.php';
include __DIR__.'/none_import.php';
include __DIR__.'/some_vars.php';
include __DIR__.'/global_in_function.php';

## without_import.php


echo $a; //1
echo $b; //2
$c = 'any value'; //replace value in global var

## all import.php


use vars all;

echo $a; //1
echo $b; //2
$c = 'other value'; //replace value in global var

## none_import.php


use vars none;

echo $a; //Warning: undefined var $a
echo $b; //Warning: undefined var $b
$c = 'other value'; //assign value to local var

## some_vars.php


use vars $a, $c, $d; //Warning: undefined var $d

echo $a; //1
echo $b; //Warning: undefined var $b
$c = 'a value'; //replace value in global var

## global_in_function.php


use vars $a, $c;

function hello() {
        global $a, $b, $c;

        echo $a; //1
        echo $b; //null.
        $c = 'end value'; //replace value in global var


In a project with a lot of global vars( like WordPress ) this functionality 
avoids conflicts and easy replacements of values in main global vars.

Manuel Canga

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