
actually so far my only comment on this thing was my ironical mail about removing try and catch because it is more or less the same as goto.

I think goto is quite similar. There have been no very compelling arguments in favor. Some of them don't hold because of break "n" and the few that are don't seem to be that strong of arguments.
I'm sorry but I just don't understand the great need for goto in PHP and that is coming from someone who does see the need in C.

The thing is? Where are the arguments agains goto? Actually I haven't read any valid argument sofar.

1) Uh Oh it is not OOP it is bad

2) Uh Oh it is evil, my university professor is saying that the whole day (it is most probably the same professor who believes that functional programming is bullshit and that the problems of the world can only be solved with slow OOP programs)

3) Uh Oh if I make a knot in my brain and use 10 stacked do/while break statements, that only a person with brain cancer can understand I can emulate the feature.

4) Uh Oh goto makes code ugly, people can abuse it and create spaghetti code. (I obviously do not know that OOP is creating even greater spaghetti code when used by people who have never heard about object design)

So my sugessting would be to start with listing arguments that actually make sense. You guys are argumenting on a level like: lets remove the possibility to append data to a file or to delete files from hard disks. So nobody can fragment his hard disk anymore. This 2 features are just bad for the user.


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