On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 9:25 AM Benjamin Eberlei <kont...@beberlei.de>
> 1. October: RMs and/or php-web maintainers should give their go on the
> (someone else?), so that more detailed creative time investment is not
> going to waste.

FTR they came to Gabriel and I *first*.  Sounded like a neat idea to both
of us, but I explicitly deferred them to internals@lists.php.net* as that's
not up to whoever happens to be RM for that release. It's something for all
of us to agree (or disagree) on.

On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 10:32 AM Kalle Sommer Nielsen <ka...@php.net> wrote:
> Also note that anything related to the websites belong to the
> php-webmaster@ mailing list, *not* internals and I would highly
> recommend moving the thread there.

I sent them here rather than php-webmaster@ because that list is noisier
than a Rhino in a wind chime factory.  You might well have been the only
person to notice it had it gone there.

On the rest of your response, I agree. PHP has long held neutrality and
there's no good reason to start playing favorites now.  That said, I think
it might be reasonable to invite *any* (or perhaps, "any with at least X
many Ys" -- criteria TBD) framework/app/project to provide their own stats
(relative changes only, no claims on absolute "speed" relative to each
other).  We already allow conferences to submit NEWS items that go on the
front page.  Inviting claims (with disclaimers?) from PHP adjacent projects
isn't a massive leap from there.

As for the "community leaders" section... I hadn't even noticed that on
first review.  The name of that is even a little gross and presumptive.
I'd probably just toss that one out.  With projects, we can at the very
least put a requirement that it must be FOSS.  That doesn't work in this
section nearly so well.


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