On Sat, Dec 5, 2020, at 5:23 PM, Benjamin Morel wrote:
> Thanks a lot for this RFC, Larry and Iliya! I can't imagine the amount of
> thought and work put into this.
> Enums are definitely a most-wanted PHP feature.
> I played a bit with the early implementation, and love it so far. Here are
> my thoughts on the RFC and the current implementation:


> *Serialization*
> I guess what it comes down to is whether / how easily a class can return
> > an existing instance when asked to unserialize, rather than setting
> > properties on an existing instance. That is, given the string
> > "C:4:Suit:6:{Spades}" can the class definition return the appropriate
> > singleton for Suits::Spades rather than a newly constructed object?
> >
> > If this proves tricky to implement, it would probably be better to
> > forbid serialization than using the default object format and breaking
> > the singleton-ness of the case objects.
> +1, totally agree with this statement. That's the first thing I tried when
> playing with the implementation, and noticed that serialization is not
> supported:
>     echo unserialize(serialize(Status::Active));
>     Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 42 bytes
> I would definitely expect strict equality to be maintained on enum cases
> even after unserialization!

I've opened a task to just block serialization entirely for now. It's probably 
best to not support it at all than to have half-arsed buggy support, at least 
for now: https://github.com/Crell/enum-comparison/issues/46

> *var_export()*
> Currently, var_export() returns a __set_state() syntax:
>     var_export(Status::Active);
>     Foo\Bar\Status::Active::__set_state(array(
>     ))
> I guess this should just return Foo\Bar\Status::Active.

Good point.  I've opened a task for that: 

> *Scalar Enums, ::cases()*
> The implementation does not support these yet, so I haven't had a chance to
> play with them.
> I share Pierre R.'s concerns, though:
> Does this mean that an enum can't have two cases with the same primitive
> > value ? I would very much being able to do so, for example, when you
> > change a name and want to keep the legacy for backward compatibility.
> But I'd understand if you just disallow duplicate scalar values altogether,
> this is probably the most sensible solution here.
> Another idea that comes to mind is that cases() could return an iterator
> instead of an array, having the cases as keys and the scalars as values,
> but this would probably come as a surprise and be bad for DX.

Off hand, I'm not sure if any languages support duplicate enums.  I can see the 
use case for renaming, but I suspect it's going to just be too complicated to 
support in practice.  I'll make a note in the RFC that they must be unique.

> *Enum & UnitEnum interfaces*
> The implementation does not seem to support these yet. Taking the examples
> from the RFC:
> Suit::Hearts instanceof Enum; // true => Parse error: syntax error,
> unexpected token "enum"
> Suit::Hearts instanceof UnitEnum; // true => FALSE

Yeah, we only added that to the RFC text an hour or three before you posted; 
Ilija has to catch up with the new text yet. :-)  Please give him some time.

--Larry Garfield

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