Hi internals.

RFC has been updated to 1.3 and implemented.

The main changes are as follows:
  - `RNG\OSRNG` has been renamed to `RNG\OS`. This was too verbose.
  - `rng_rand()` has been renamed to `rng_int()` and the arguments `$min`
and `$max` are now required.
  - `RNG\RNG64Interface` has been removed and `next64()` is now included in
    - PHP code does not depend on the size of int. Even if it contains a
64-bit implementation, it will work fine on 32-bit PHP. Libraries should
always consider the 64-bit environment.
  - To solve various problems, the `rng_next()` and `rng_next64()`
functions have been added.
    - `rng_next64()` throws a `ValueError` exception when called in a 32bit

The current phpstub is as follows:


function shuffle(array &$array, ?RNG\RNGInterface $rng = null): bool {}

function str_shuffle(string $string, ?RNG\RNGInterface $rng = null): string

function array_rand(array $array, int $num = 1, ?RNG\RNGInterface $rng =
null): int|string|array {}

function rng_bytes(RNG\RNGInterface $rng, int $length): string {}

function rng_int(RNG\RNGInterface $rng, int $min, int $max): int {}

function rng_next(RNG\RNGInterface $rng, bool $unsigned = true): int {}

/** @throws ValueError */
function rng_next64(RNG\RNGInterface $rng, bool $unsigned = true): int {}

On the other hand, there are still the following problems

- If `next64()` method is called directly in a 32-bit environment, it will
produce unintended results.
    - This can be avoided by using `rng_next64()` in RFC 1.3. As with the
various internal interfaces, direct method calls can be deprecated.
- Namespace. `RNG`, `PHP\RNG`... etc
- Interface naming. `RNGInterface` may be a bit redundant.
`NumberGenerator`, etc?

We are looking for feedback on these problems.

Go Kudo

2021年1月9日(土) 19:00 Go Kudo <zeriyo...@gmail.com>:

> Hi internals.
> I think I'm ready to discuss this RFC.
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/object_scope_prng
> Previous internals thread: https://externals.io/message/112525
> Now is the time to let me know what you think.
> Regards,
> Go Kudo

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