wiki username: danielbeardsley

=== Background
I was told to introduce myself. I've been in software development for more
than 20 years and have been working with php for 10 or so of that. I've
only had a little contact with this group, but I've got at least one past
pull merged on the php-src repo:
At iFixit we use a forked version of php with a small change to allow
automatically html-escaping echoed strings:
. It's not something this list would be interested in as it's rather
special-purpose, but I'm mentioning it to show I'm somewhat familiar with
the php build system.

=== Why I'm emailing now:
I've opened a pull request on php-src: and I've been advised to make an
RFC. The first step is emailing!

I'd like to propose adding a function to the mysql pdo driver (in the same
way postgres and sqlite have) to extract the count of warnings from the
last executed statement.

See the pull request linked above for a more thorough description.

Should I make an RFC out of this?

Thanks for your time!

Daniel Beardsley

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