On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 7:48 AM Levi Morrison
<levi.morri...@datadoghq.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 9:39 AM Levi Morrison <le...@php.net> wrote:
> >
> > Hello, everyone,
> >
> > There has been a lot of disagreement about namespacing, and people
> > seem to have different viewpoints. I am not sure how to reconcile this
> > broader discussion.
> >
> > However, there are certain names in the global namespace which I am
> > hopeful we can revolve. For instance, `SplObserver`, `SplQueue`,
> > `SplFixedArray`, etc all follow the `Spl` prefix. There is already an
> > established "namespace" for these names.
> >
> > So here is my limited proposal:
> >  1. We create names in the `Spl` namespace that are aliases to their
> > equivalent types with the `Spl` prefix:
> >     `Spl\FixedArray` -> SplFixedArray
> >     `Spl\Queue` -> SplQueue
> >      a. The new names are the aliases so any code which uses
> > `get_class($obj)` will not have the name change on them in a minor
> > release (8.1).
> >      b. We may switch the direction of this alias in 9.0.
> >  2. Any new types going into `ext/spl` use the `Spl` namespace. New
> > types added to `ext/spl` should be either related to data structures
> > or iterators, which is the bulk of what the SPL is.
> >      a. This rule is to help prevent the SPL from becoming the dumping
> > grounds for new types.
> >  3. We leave functions alone for now.
> >
> > Let me know what you think. I am hopeful this approach will work because:
> >  1. It is focused on a specific area which already has an established
> > "namespace", but in name-only (not technically).
> >  2. It does not try to solve the larger problem, which has a lot of
> > disagreement.
> >  3. I will be proposing new types for ext/spl soon (`ReverseIterator`
> > and an array iterator that is more efficient than `\ArrayIterator`),
> > and Tyson Andre has already proposed `CachedIterable` and company
> > which is in `ext/spl`, so this space has active development.
> >
> > Thank you for your time.
> >
> > --
> > PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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> >
> There's been a lull in feedback, so let me steer it towards a specific
> point that was brought up: how do you feel about adding aliases from
> \Spl\Thing to \SplThing?
> https://strawpoll.com/22pcxh69p

It's been about a week. Current standings out of 33 total votes:
"I think they are important to the proposal." => 16 votes (~48%)
"I prefer them to not be aliased." => 11 votes (~33%)
"I don't care about them." => 6 votes (~18%)

I'll think more about the discussion so far and these results and then
either adjust or drop the proposal.

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