The information you were given on StackOverflow is somewhat misleading,
since it is referring to the behaviour of PDO::quote(), not anything to do
with binding parameters. The referenced bug report is indeed not a bug.

Still, I don't really use Postgres but a quick smoke test indicates you're
not wrong about the behaviour of bindValue/bindParam on the PG driver when
emulation mode is switched off.

$pdb->exec('CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION baz(in int, out f1 text) AS $$
SELECT CAST($1 AS text) || \' as int\' $$ LANGUAGE SQL;');
$pdb->exec('CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION baz(in text, out f1 text) AS $$
SELECT $1 || \' as string\' $$ LANGUAGE SQL;');

var_dump( $pdb->query('SELECT baz(23);')->fetchAll() );
 ["baz"]=> string(9) "23 as int"

var_dump( $pdb->query('SELECT baz(\'23\');')->fetchAll() );
["baz"]=>string(12) "23 as string"

$st=$pdb->prepare('SELECT baz(?)'); $st->bindValue(1,3,PDO::PARAM_INT);
$st->execute(); var_dump($st->fetchAll());
["baz"]=>string(11) "3 as string"

Looks like your only option is:
$st=$pdb->prepare('SELECT baz(CAST(? AS int))');
$st->bindValue(1,3,PDO::PARAM_INT); $st->execute();
which gives the expected
["baz"]=>string(8) "3 as int"

Whether this is a *bug* I can't really say, there might be a reason
Postgres is implemented this way on PDO, I don't know, I'm not a Postgres

But the funny thing is it works exactly as expected when emulation is
switched ON:

$st = $pdb->prepare('SELECT baz(?)'); $st->bindValue(1,3,PDO::PARAM_INT);
$st->execute(); var_dump($st->fetchAll());
  ["baz"]=>string(8) "3 as int"


On Sun, Mar 14, 2021 at 8:19 PM Benjamin Morel <>

> Hi internals,
> I just stumbled upon what I consider to be a bug with the PDO pgsql driver.
> *TL;DR: the driver treats parameters bound with PARAM_INT the same as
> Take the following example:
> ```
> $pdo = new PDO('pgsql:host=localhost;port=5432', 'postgres', 'postgres');
> $statement = $pdo->prepare("
>     SELECT ST_AsText(
>         ST_Transform(
>             ST_GeomFromText('POINT(0 0)', 2154),
>             ?
>         )
>     )
> ");
> $statement->bindValue(1, 4326, PDO::PARAM_INT);
> $statement->execute();
> ```
> This fails with the following message:
> PDOException: SQLSTATE[XX000]: Internal error: 7 ERROR: could not parse
> > proj string '4326'
> This is because the pgsql driver seems to treat everything as PARAM_STR,
> despite being explicitly requested to bind the value as PARAM_INT; the
> placeholder is therefore replaced with the string '4326' instead of the
> integer 4326.
> The problem is, in PostGIS, the ST_Transform()
> <> function has different
> signatures with different behaviours depending on whether the second
> parameter is an integer or a string.
> As far as I can see, because of this issue, *there is no way to pass an
> actual integer to ST_Transform()*, which forces me to use
> PostgreSQL-specific cast syntax to get the behaviour I need, in a library
> <> I maintain that's supposed to work with any
> GIS-enabled database.
> Is there any reason why the pgsql driver doesn't respect PDO::PARAM_STR?
> I asked this question on StackOverflow
> <>, and was pointed to the
> following bug, which I'm not sure is directly related, but was closed as
> "not a bug":
> *Should this be requalified as a bug and be fixed?*
> Thanks in advance for your consideration,
> — Benjamin

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