On Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 11:41 AM Mark Randall <marand...@php.net> wrote:
> Hi Internals,
> I would like to propose the addition of a new mechanism of autoloading
> classes - a classmap that will be consulted prior to checking the
> spl_autoload_register'd callbacks.
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/autoload_classmap
> Mark Randall
> marand...@php.net
> --
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Overall I am slightly in favor of this. I would like some performance
numbers for this, as performance is a considerable motivating

There is one piece that I disagree with, for now at least:

> The associative array must contain lowercase class names as the keys, and the 
> location on disk for the value.

IMO, these should be the defined case of the class, or we should be
insensitive about it. It's one thing that our symbols are case
insensitive; it is wholly another to _require_ it for this feature by
requiring lowercase names. I assume there is some motivation for this;
I would like to hear it.

Again, I'm overall slightly supportive.

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